Our Team
Robert Griew
Founder and Director
Robert Griew is known for leadership in health, education, and human services, for his commitment to community and for strategic thinking.
Robert has held numerous public sector positions at CEO and deputy CEO levels. He was the Secretary of the Department of Health and Community Services in the NT, Associate Secretary responsible nationally for higher education, research and international education and ran the Commonwealth Government’s Aged and Community Care, Population Health, and Indigenous Health Divisions.
He has a reputation as an administrator, having successfully run large, complex and decentralised services, and as a strategic policy maker. Robert has won the trust of senior ministers on both sides of politics. He deeply understands government and the way public policy operates.
Robert has a reputation as a problem solver, both in pursuing innovation and through working to promote engagement and solution finding between parties with different interests and viewpoints.
Robert has worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, leaders, researchers, and policy makers for over 25 years and is a known and trusted adviser and partner. His work in the Indigenous sector crosses health, family and community services, education, employment, and economic development.
He has worked with the research sector, where he has developed a reputation for translation of research to maximise impact with policy and service leaders and for communities. He leads a translation stream on a multi-year, multi-stream Medical Research Futures Fund project.